The Wat Opot Community

The things we have gone through together


Wat Opot社區目前安置53名兒童和10名成人,其中許多人都感染了HIVAIDS

Wat Opot 社區是充滿熱情活力的社區我們每天面對不同環境會接受到的各種挑戰人際關係教育問題、工作環境...等等),與其他社團不同的是,我們必需照顧面臨各種不同特殊情況的孩童,讓他們的生活能受到妥善的照顧。

訪客來到我們的Wat Opot 社區會感覺與其他院所的孩童並無太大差異孩童們日常生活及上學情況與一般孩童並無什麼不同,比較不同的是在早上7點和晚上7點時,孩子需要藥物治療排隊在醫務室前面領取藥物他們已經領取了他們的藥物和點心,他們要不是去上學要不就是利用睡前最後的時間好好遊玩

通常沒有看見這些情況你會很難分辨哪位孩童是帶原者,而哪些不是,直到你看見此景象Wat Opot社區的宗旨之一是重拾孩子們喜悅的減少身體和心理上的病痛,根據許多遊客以及義工所拍攝而被放置在我們網路上的照片來看,我們的辦法似乎很有效


Wat Opot 社區是由 Wayne Dale Matthysse 以及 Sann Vandin(Compassion of Cambodia共同創辦人)所創立。要了解更多關於Partners in Compassion Cambodia,請訪問我們的網站(

Wayne Dale MatthysseWat Opot的執行長在越戰期間是一名美國海軍陸戰隊軍醫。當他在一次在越南峴港附近戰鬥而導致半盲,他唯一​​的倖存者,他的良心提他回到東南亞為那些受到戰爭所影響的人提供服務。他停留在柬埔寨,加入了COERR(Catholic Office for Emergency Relief and Refugees) ,天主教救濟機構。在那裡,他見了Vandine SannVandine Sann在鄉村一直訓練僧人認識以及預防愛滋病,並幫助疫情日益蔓延的感染者。而後Wayne以及Vandine成為了合作夥伴,成為了一個非政府組織,涵蓋了Wayne的美國基督教承諾,以及Vandine的柬埔寨佛教。而後他們接管一間名叫Wat Opot佛寺所捐的一間占地五英畝的診所,並開始一項計劃,社區教育和關懷死於愛滋病的人。那是在2001年,當時在柬埔寨並沒有任何可以控制病情的藥物。

2003年,比利時無國界醫生組織MSFMedicins Sans Frontiers BelgiumDoctors Without Borders在尋找一個在柬埔寨的地點進行對抗病毒藥物發放計畫。無國界醫生需要找到附近現有的場所,以及專業人士,以提供給患者正確的醫療知識及完善的醫療團隊並且為附近社區提供預防以及教育愛滋病相關的事宜。由於Wat Opot已成立許多年,與周圍的村莊有一種深厚的合作關係,所以無國界醫生決定Wat Opot附近開一家診所,並開始分發病毒藥物給Wayne患者和村里所需要的人

在很短的時間內Wat Opot為那些絕望的感染者帶來了關懷柬埔寨,因為對於愛滋病的恐懼以及無知也導致了許多悲劇上演。今天Wat Opot成為了一個國際社區,儘管是否為帶原者大家都居住在一個大家庭裡面社區裡有床物、學校,醫療診所不再是孤立無援意識到他們能夠快樂的成長起來,接受教育,居住於現代的建築。他們是接受面對成長於愛滋病挑戰的第一代,而WayneVandine以及在Wat Opot的孩童們正在為他們自己寫下一本書。

Wat Opot社區位於一條泥巴路,貫穿農村村莊和稻田。雖然當時他們提供的條件是可以選擇任何在柬埔寨的土地但是WayneVandine選擇這個地方,因為它的貧困,希望他們的存在將有助於提振社會。在隨後的幾年裡,隔壁的佛教寺廟,當時捐贈土地寺廟,已重新整修新的壁畫和細瓦屋頂,提高社區的自信而附近的村莊也開始修復自己的家園。世界糧食計劃組織的糧食分配方案已經開始對受愛滋病影響的家庭提供食物。目前約有1000個當地家庭每個月透過Wat Opot領取米,油和鹽。而家庭照顧組織,在金邊和其他幾個村莊展開社區宣傳計劃,教育著重在愛滋病的預防和照護,以及幫助減少那些與愛滋病患居住在同一村莊的恐懼。

Wat Opot的特別之處為何?Wat Opot是罕見的,也或許在柬埔寨是獨一無二的為在柬埔寨為愛滋病感染者以及非愛滋病感染者提供一個大家庭,一起分享生活中的點滴,不至於使他們遠離人群而感到孤單。這為社會樹立了一個榜樣,其影響的是越來越多寬容、愛和包容並減少恐懼。許多孤兒院只是暫時的安置中心,幸運的兒童被領養,其餘的則被孤立等待至長大成人。Wayne看待Wat Opot為一個愛的大家庭,當孩童們踏入社會之後也想要回家看看的一個家。即使是最貧窮的人,被拒絕和拋棄的人,無論任何宗教或是過去的經歷,以及年輕人和老年人,Wat Opot都展開雙手歡迎所有人的。即使資金並不充裕,但愛,善良,服務,誠信,承諾不因此而減少。

正如一位義工所說,“Wayne的信念中與其他人相較下有什麼特別之處。他的信念感染了其他人的靈魂,反過來,這也會影響到他人,包括那些其他拒絕的人。這就是為什麼Wat Opot歡樂的地方。“

Gail Gutradt

你可以使用谷歌地圖打入關鍵字"Wat Opot Community Cambodia"搜尋。Wat Opot社區位於柬埔寨金邊南邊沿著二號公路的47公里處,此公路也就是通往Takeo。轉彎處約在Chambak村的兩公里處。在轉彎處會有一個水泥招牌寫著 "Wat Opot health Center"以及一個金屬招牌寫著 "Partner in Compassion"。之後沿著路行駛約1.5公里,你會看見一處轉彎處以及一間寺廟(轉角處也有一間小雜貨店)右轉進來,就會找到我們了


Wat Opot Children’s Community
c/c Wayne Matthysse or Melinda Lies
PO Box 2435
Phnom Penh 3

如果你將住在金邊,我們建議居住在Golden Gate Hotel(855-23-721-161),如果你想要搭乘嘟嘟車前往,我們建議你可以找 Mr. Tamap(012-588-682) 或者是 Mr. Huit(012-726.792)

Wayne Dale Matthysse
Humanitarian / Volunteer
Co-Founder of Partners in Compassion / Cambodia
Overseer of The Wat Opot Community
Telephone: 855-(0)77-991-890

Melinda Kay Lies
Humanitarian / Volunteer
Program Co-ordinator of The Wat Opot Community
Telephone: 855-(0)10-476-612

AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(中譯為後天免疫缺乏症候群)的簡寫。
Human Immunodeficiency Virus的簡寫;HIV即身體免疫缺乏病毒,俗稱愛滋病毒。

Volunteer Rules

Abuse of a child in any form is forbidden. Any abuse will be reported to the local police and to the International authorities. It is very important that you observe the rules of our community and the Khmer Culture. Please understand that all of the Volunteer Rules are designed to protect the children and their way of living, as well as to help you participate in a positive way.
1. Cultural rules concerning contact and gender:
a. Do not invite children into the volunteer quarters, nor go into a child’s room.  There are many places on the WOCC property to interact with the children.
b. Female volunteers are not allowed to spend time with our teenage boys and in the same way, Male volunteers are not allowed to spend time with our teenage girls.  There is to be no hugging, wrestling or other physical touching (even in a playful way) of any kind to our pre-teens or teens, nor are volunteers allowed to leave the property with a teenager of the opposite sex.  They may only be a few years younger than you, and seem innocent of the world, but they are aware of male/female relationships.
c. The youngest children are the most accessible and open towards volunteers but be aware of those who are older, quieter and not as extroverted – with our children’s backgrounds, feelings are unknowingly easily hurt and those that are quiet may need your attention more.
d. Do not kiss or coddle the children, it’s culturally insensitive.  Remember that you will leave after your chosen time, so emotional attachments must be taken into consideration.
2. Cultural rules concerning communication:
a. Please be thoughtful and culturally sensitive in answering children’s questions. Some information about your personal life (especially partying, drinking and so forth) and or culture may not be appropriate to share, even though children may ask probing questions.
b. Keep any casual conversation between volunteers regarding alcohol or other “adult” content at the Volunteer Dorm and only then if you are sure there are not children within earshot.
c. Many of our teenagers utilize Facebook.  Please do not ‘friend’ them if you have, or plan to have photos of you drinking/partying.  Become culturally sensitive in your travels and understand that social networking is not always the best way to communicate with impressionable youth.  Sending them an occasional email is adequate to let them know you are thinking about Wat Opot, although, the best way to keep in touch with everyone is through the Wat Opot facebook page or email address.
3. General WOCC rules:
a. Women must be discreet in dress (no short shorts/skirts, tank-tops – basically knees and shoulders covered).  If you do not have modest articles of clothing, maybe our home is not the place for you.
b. Absolutely no smoking/drinking/illegal drugs while you are a volunteer at WOCC –not in our community; not in the village; not in our vicinity.  You will be asked to leave immediately upon violation. This is not only our rules but the Ministry of Social Services who will close down any Children’s programs, if staff or volunteers are caught using drugs.
c. Observe the culture at the Children’s Community and in the village. Please respect and blend in with the Khmer as much as possible. As with many institutions, we are known by our guests and watched by the local population. The way you behave will affect the reputation of our community.
4. Gift giving:
a. Do not make any individual gifts to the children or staff especially monetary gifts.  You may not use your personal feelings (i.e. “Oh, he was so cute and I couldn’t say no.”) as an excuse to buy anything for one of our children.  If you seemingly cannot resist, then be prepared to buy one for each of our 50+ children and we will distribute accordingly.
b. Within our commune all residents are treated equally and therefore showing favoritism to a few creates envy and jealousy. There is a fair system already in place for earning rewards and benefits and it should be followed. If you wish to make a gift to all of the children or staff please tell us in advance and we will coordinate.
5. Participation:
a. The children’s safety, health and happiness are our highest priority. Respecting their traditions and schedules is very important. Consistency and following any routines we have in place are especially good for the children and we try not to disrupt them often.
b. Volunteers are expected to be on time for scheduled activities. Our day starts at 6:00AM and volunteers are expected to help get the children off to school. The day doesn’t end until the children go to bed at 9:00PM.
c. We have two children’s dorms, school room, computer room, creative learning center, arts and crafts room, music room and health clinic on the campus. Should you have a specific skill in any of these areas please let us know.
6. Suggestions/Comments:
a. When at Wat Opot you are in our home, please do not make suggestions upon arrival!  There are certainly different ways to run a large household; but we think we are currently on the right track and have established systems that work for us.
b. Good ideas are welcome for consideration, but observe how our ways work for us before suggesting a change.  We have taken into account how things work long term especially during the many times when there are no volunteers.
Your presence and willingness to work alongside of us is appreciated.  You will be joining our community; therefore subject to the rules already in place.
If you can commit to our rules please contact us at and request a Volunteer form for submission.
The Watopotians